Hair is our crowning glory. But, what happens when that glory starts thinning out? A receding hairline or thinning crown isn’t anyone’s favourite style. I’ve experienced it, too, skimming through thousands of pages, hunting for hair loss home remedies that genuinely work.

After sleepless nights and countless trials, I've gathered a goldmine of remedies that have given my mane a new lease on life! The best part? I'm here to share them all with you.

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Common Causes of Hair Thinning and Hair Loss

Hormonal Changes

One of the biggest causes of hair loss and thinning is hormone fluctuations. Conditions like pregnancy, menopause, and even thyroid problems can lead to hair loss.

It’s not just a female issue either; hair growth for men is also affected by hormonal shifts, especially with the presence of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of the male hormone testosterone.

Nutritional Deficiencies

The phrase, "You are what you eat" rings especially true for your hair. A deficiency in essential nutrients such as iron, vitamin D, biotin, and protein can hinder natural hair growth.

Prioritising a balanced diet not only nourishes the body but also paves the way for luscious locks.

External Factors

The hair treatments and styling products we adore could be doing more harm than good. Overusing chemical-laden products, excessive heat styling, or even the habit of pulling hair into tight hairstyles can lead to breakage and hair thinning.

Add to that external environmental factors like pollution, and you have a cocktail that might not be in your hair’s best interest.


It's not just about what we do; sometimes, it's about our genes. If your family has a history of hair loss, there's a chance you might experience it. However, with the right hair loss home remedy, you can still work towards hair regrowth.

Health Conditions

Issues like alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks hair follicles, can be a significant reason behind hair loss. Scalp infections and other dermatological issues also play their part.


The modern lifestyle, with its endless demands, often leaves us stressed. And believe it or not, stress has a direct impact on hair health. Long-term or chronic stress can lead to a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium.

Tight Hairstyles

Love that sleek ponytail or those messy braids? They might be contributing to your hair woes. The consistent pull can stress the hair follicles, leading to falling hair episodes.

The remedy? Opt for quick natural hairstyles, which are not only trendy but gentle on your hair.

Excessive Styling

We all like to style our hair for that perfect look, but over-styling using heat or chemicals can damage your hair.

Another hair-thinning treatment tip? Allow your hair to breathe! Give it a break and opt for natural styles. You'd be surprised how much this can help restore hair vitality.


Believe it or not, that snug beanie or baseball cap might be the culprit behind your hair thinning. While they're fashionable and functional, it's essential to ensure they aren't too tight.

Or perhaps, just allow your hair some fresh air now and then.

Neglecting Scalp Health

Scalp health is crucial when thinking about how to stop hair loss and regrow hair naturally. A happy scalp can be a fountain of hair regrowth. Treat your scalp with nourishing masks, perhaps a homemade hair mask for hair growth and thickness.

Alternatively, consider adopting Pattern Leave-in Conditioners, known to improve hair texture and strength.

Hair loss doesn't discriminate. It can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. But understanding the underlying causes offers a ray of hope. Because once you know the root of the problem, finding a hair loss cure, especially a hair loss home remedy, becomes a tangible reality.

Read Next: How Much Hair Loss Is Normal (No Need To Panic)

Discover 10 Hair Tips for Hair Growth

1. Regularly Do Scalp Massages

Consistent, gentle scalp massages increase blood flow, encouraging hair follicles to strengthen and produce more hair. Not only is it therapeutic, but it’s also a proactive way to stimulate hair growth.

2. Try Revive Essential Oils and Natural Remedies

Incorporating natural remedies like essential oils can offer a buffer against hair loss. The holistic approach, combined with the potency of nature, can be a game-changer in the fight against thinning hair.

3. Use Weekly Hair Masks

Homemade hair masks for hair growth and thickness, like those made from eggs and honey, nourish your hair deeply. It's a hair treatment reminiscent of a spa experience but from the comfort of your own home.

4. Use Natural Conditioners

Conditioners made with natural ingredients are gentler and more nourishing than those filled with silicones that can form a film over your hair follicles. Thanks to natural oils and plant extracts, they can help treat a variety of hair problems like hair thinning, brittle hair, and dryness.

If you want to give your hair more nourishment, add a leave-in to your routine, like Pattern’s Leave-In Conditioner, to help combat frizz, dryness, and damaged hair.

5. Eat a Nutrient-Rich Diet

What you eat truly manifests in your hair. Incorporating foods rich in biotin, vitamin E, and omega-3 can genuinely transform hair health. It's a hair loss cure that starts from within.

6. Minimally Heat Style Hair

Opting for quick natural hairstyles that don’t require heat can make a world of difference. Preserve the natural beauty of your hair without subjecting it to unnecessary stress.

7. Try Hair Growth Shampoos

Specific shampoos are formulated with ingredients known to stimulate hair growth, like caffeine, rosemary extract, and green tea. They can be a vital addition to your hair care regimen.

8. Frequently Trim Hair

Though it sounds counterintuitive, regular trims help get rid of split ends, ensuring that hair breakage is kept at bay. It's a simple hair thinning treatment that makes a world of difference.

9. Manage Your Stress

We often underestimate how much stress can cause hair fall episodes. Meditative practices, regular exercise, and ensuring adequate sleep can profoundly impact hair health.

10. Stay Hydrated

Just as plants need water to grow, your hair needs adequate hydration to maintain its health. Drinking more water is a hair loss home remedy that also benefits your entire body!

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Try These Effective Natural Remedies for Hair Regrowth

Aloe Vera

Here’s a fun fact: Aloe Vera isn’t just for sunburns. This green wonder is a fabulous hair loss home remedy. Its natural enzymes can help soothe the scalp and reduce inflammation, leading to healthier hair growth. It’s also a potent natural hair conditioner, ensuring your strands stay hydrated and less prone to breakage.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has achieved celebrity status in the world of hair treatments. This natural elixir can penetrate deep into hair shafts, reducing protein loss and ensuring your locks remain strong and shiny. Whether you’re aiming for hair growth for men or seeking a universal hair loss cure, coconut oil is a reliable bet.


While our focus is primarily on external applications, it's crucial to note that hair health often begins from within. Enter Viviscal, a natural supplement packed with nutrients like biotin, which is often lauded for its hair-nurturing properties. After a few months with Viviscal, even my stubborn patches started to show promise.

Fish Oil

When it comes to improving hair health, Omega-3 fatty acids are the unsung heroes. They hydrate the scalp, reduce inflammation, and strengthen hair at the roots. The outcome? Lesser hair fall and more hair regrowth.


Ginseng might sound old school, but it’s been a cornerstone in traditional medicine for a reason. Its active compounds, called ginsenosides, play a significant role in supporting natural hair growth. No wonder it’s often lauded as a remarkable hair loss home remedy!

Onion Juice

Before you dismiss this one, hear me out. Onion juice, despite its pungent smell, can be a game-changer for hair regrowth. It’s rich in dietary sulfur, a component essential for hair health. Regular application can lead to fuller, glossier locks.

Rosemary Oil

While rosemary might remind you of your favourite roast, its oil is a titan in the world of natural hair care. Rich in antioxidants, it fights off scalp irritations and dandruff, ensuring an ideal environment for hair growth.

Geranium Oil

If balancing scalp oils sounds like rocket science, geranium oil is the ticket. It regulates the natural oils on your scalp, ensuring neither too dry nor too greasy conditions. Plus, its delightful fragrance is an added bonus!


More than a garnish for your drink, these citrus wonders are stellar for the scalp. Their natural acidity can balance the pH of your scalp, ensuring it stays clean and healthy. A well-maintained scalp is, after all, the first step towards vigorous hair growth.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, Vitamin E, and Omega-6, activating your hair follicles and sending a rush of blood and nutrients to your scalp. Why is this important? Because cell turnover and nutrients are what helps your hair grow!

Read Next: Which Oil is Best for Hair Growth and Thickness?

When Should You Seek Professional Help for Hair Loss?

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of trying out every new hair treatment or hair regrowth trick you come across. But, sometimes, it's crucial to know when to step back and seek out a professional's perspective.

How do you differentiate between regular fall hair episodes and a more concerning pattern that needs professional intervention? Here are a few signs:

Rapid Thinning or Balding: If you notice sudden patches of hair loss or if your hair starts to thin at a much faster rate than before, it's time to consult an expert.

Scalp Issues: Redness, scaling, itching or even pain can be indicators of underlying scalp conditions. A professional will not only advise on how to regrow hair but also address these symptoms.

Hair Loss After Medications or Medical Treatments: Some medicines and treatments can trigger hair loss. If you suspect your hair loss is linked to a medication or a medical treatment, reach out to a healthcare provider.

Unexplained or Excessive Shedding: Hair loss can sometimes be linked to health conditions such as thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, or even stress. An expert can guide you on how to stop hair loss and regrow hair naturally in such cases.

A professional can also shed light on specific concerns like how to regrow thinning hair for females or tailor solutions for hair growth for men. With their guidance, you can integrate the best of both worlds: incorporating the most effective remedies alongside medical treatments for optimal results.

Learn more tips to naturally care for your hair: