Hair, there and everywhere! Losing your locks got you stressing? Well, fret not because, one, that will only make things worse, and two, because shredding some strands is totally normal. Let's talk how much hair loss is normal and what's not.
How Much Hair Loss Is Normal (No Need To Panic)
In this article
They say leaving our hair around the place is how women mark their territory.
But there's a big difference between losing a few strands here and there to losing half your locks on the daily.
So, how much hair loss is normal?
While it's easy to panic over a clump of hair in the shower drain, "normal hair loss" will look different to everyone.
Even if you have super thick and otherwise healthy hair, you will still experience a certain degree of hair loss.
Issues arise when you are losing your locks too frequently or in too large amounts.
So, let's talk about how much hair loss is too much and what's normal.
How Much Hair Loss Is Normal?
Losing some locks in the shower or after a brush is nothing to worry about.
Hair loss is part of the natural hair growth cycle.
There are four phases of the natural growth hair cycle which are:
- The Anagen Phase: The growth phase which lasts between two and seven years.
- The Catagen Phase: A two-week phase where the hair follicle begins shrinking.
- The Telogen Phase: The resting phase, this usually lasts three months.
- The Exogen Phase: The hair loss phase. Hair follicles shed to make way for new strands to grow.
Each follicle enters the telogen phase at different times. Otherwise, we'd end up with bald patches.
So, hair loss during the natural hair growth cycle should go relatively unnoticed.
But exactly how much hair loss is normal during the telogen phase?
On average, you only lose around 50 to 100 hairs every day.
So while you're shedding a small number of strands, the rest of your locks will be growing longer, stronger and thicker.
Unless there is something interrupting your natural hair growth cycle causing you to lose abnormal amounts of hair or to lose hair at abnormal times in your cycle.
There can be many causes of hair loss beyond the norm, but thankfully most of these are temporary.
So, what are some causes of abnormal hair loss?
Read: What Causes Hair Breakage and How To Fix It
@kirstyannehair wears the Medium Halo in Col. #613
Causes of temporary hair loss
1. Whatever you do, don't panic:
No need to pull your hair out. Hair loss caused by stress is normal.
And thankfully, temporary.
Sudden, severe or prolonged stress interrupts your normal hair growth cycle by causing it to enter its resting phase sooner and stay there for longer.
This condition is called Telogen Effluvium.
So how much hair loss is normal when it comes to stress?
Well, unlike the 50 to 100 strands you lose daily, there is no real estimate for how much hair loss is normal due to stress.
The amount of hair you lose will vary depending on the severity of your anxiety.
For minimal stress, shedding should not be excessive, just more noticeable than normal.
Telogen Effluvium is normally instigated from traumatic stress. Severe cases can cause up to 70% of your hair to fall out.
**Goes bald every Grey's Anatomy episode.
Again, I want to STRESS that hair loss due to stress is usually temporary!
Your hair should return to its normal cycle within three months, or so once the stressor is removed.
** Grey's Anatomy goes on break.
If you're experiencing above-average levels of stress, you should consider seeking guidance to manage your stress levels.
Read: How To Get Thicker Hair In A Month (The Complete Guide)
@monicapuddy wears the THICK Halo in Col. #2
2. Keep your hair cool:
We give our hair hell on a daily basis.
Literally, heat damage is the devil when it comes to hair loss!
If you use a straighter, curler, blow dryer or any other hot styling tool regular, you will lose more than the normal amount of hair.
This is because heat breaks down your hairs keratin bonds, which, as the name suggests, bond your hair cuticles together.
Sounds scary, but hair loss due to heat styling is still nothing to panic about.
You should just cut back to using hot tools only twice per week.
And always use a heat protection spray.
If you're emotionally dependent on your straightener, and can't cut back, keep your hair healthier by using a hydrating hair mask once or twice a week.
@mareealexhair using the MEDIUM halo in Col. #20C
3. A recipe for hair loss
If you're healthy, your hair is too.
It's that simple.
Other than genetics, your diet and nutrition are the most crucial ingredients to healthy hair.
And poor diet and nutritional deficiencies are huge causes of abnormal hair loss.
A healthy hair diet should be low in refined sugar, high in unrefined carbs and moderate in protein.
You should also boost your intake of nutrients such as B12, Biotin, and Iron.
You can do this by eating plenty of leafy greens, lean protein, veggies, berries, beans and legumes.
Read: Food For Thought: Is Your Diet Good For Your Hair?
@vanesssaromo wears the THICK Halo in Col. #2 styled by @ashleyantoinebeauty
4. Sleep on it
Sleepless nights cause more than just a serious caffeine craving.
Did you know that not getting enough sleep can cause hair loss?
This is because a good night's rest helps with protein synthesis and the release of growth hormones and enzymes needed for healthy hair growth, as well as not wanting to punch people who speak to you before 10 am.
A full eight hours also reduces stress, which as we now know, is bad for everything, especially our hair.
So no more Netflix until 2 am. Your hair depends on you catching some decent ZZZs.
For an added hair care bonus, sleep on silk to minimise breakage.
Read: 5 Science-based reasons why you should sleep on a silk pillowcase
@phoebekypreos_ wears the THICK Halo in Col #613/10
5. Keep it hydrated:
Dehydrated hair is unhealthy hair.
And unhealthy hair means an above-average amount of hair loss.
When your locks are thirsty, they become brittle and break, so even if they're in the growth phase of the hair growth cycle, they will not reach their full potential.
So, this means the answer to how much hair loss is normal becomes obsolete.
Drinking a minimum of two litres of water per day is the best place to start when it comes to hydrating your hair.
But, you should apply hydrating hair masks once or twice a week to keep your hair long and luscious.
Minimising heat styling, cutting down on washing and applying coconut oil to the ends of your hair a few times a week will also help keep your mane hydrated.
Read: How To Hydrate Your Hair By Hair Type
@raw_edge wears the THICK Halo in Col. #60
6. Don't fake it:
Unless it's a Halo.
How much hair loss is normal with hair extensions?
The answer to this should be "none".
But, did you know clip-in and permanent hair extensions actually cause a hell of a lot of hair loss?
So, you might think you're doing your hair a favour by boosting its volumes and hiding your breakage, but you're actually making the problem much, much worse.
In fact, it is not uncommon for these kinds of harmful hair extensions to cause bald spots!
This is because clip-ins and permanent extensions attach to specific strands using harmful clips, glues, chemical bonds and adhesives which all weaken the hair at its roots.
This creates a constant pulling which causes abnormal hair loss, and again, bald spots.
Halo hair extensions, however, are the only non-damaging hair extensions on the market.
This is because Halos do not attach to the hair itself. Instead, they sit on top of the head. Therefore not adding any uncomfortable or harmful pressure to your fragile strands.
Read: What Halo Hair Extensions Are And How They Are Different
@sullivang_ wears the THICK Halo in Col. #10 styled by @amybaineshair
How to Help Hair Loss
So to sum it up 50 to 100 strands of hair is considered a normal amount of hair loss.
But, if you're anything like me, you regularly malt more than a German Shepard.
So if you think your hair loss is above average, fret not, I'm hair to help!
Here are my top tips for stopping abnormal hair loss:
- Hydrate
- Eat a balanced diet
- Get enough sleep and sleep on silk
- See a doctor
- Take hair supplements
- Drink enough water and do regular hydrating hair treatments
- Cut down on heat styling
- Stressless
- Ditch damaging hair extensions
- Use Halo hair extensions to hide damage and breakage while you help your natural hair grow.
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